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Our Story

The Lighthouse Church held its first service in Thurrock on Sunday, 8th November 2015. Ashley and Rhianne were appointed as the lead eldership couple, joined by a team of 10 members eager to serve Jesus in their local community and beyond, reaching out to Essex and the nations. Over the years, the strength of the leadership has grown as devoted members were equipped and appointed to the office of elders and deacons. The leaders have a heart to follow the blueprint of the New Testament church, with a commitment to building a healthy church community. Throughout this pursuit, the congregation grew spiritually and numerically while maintaining a family.

The church adopted the name 'The Lighthouse' in November 2023 when the Lord spoke to Ashley about restoring the global light of the church. In the natural sense of the word, lighthouses worldwide are losing their light, with some destroyed, others turned into tourist attractions, and most lighthouse keepers abandoning their duties. This parallels the experience of numerous churches globally—closing down, pastors leaving the ministry, and the church's light dimming. However, God is actively restoring the church's light, calling us to be a beacon to the nations. The scripture Isaiah 60:1-4 was given as a mandate for our church's mission to reach all nations.